How to Relieve Your Dog's Firework Anxiety

Happy almost Fourth of July! You’ll soon be celebrating with friends and family down by the lake or in someone’s backyard waiting for your neighbor’s epic firework display. It’s a time of celebration and a staple of our summers, but also one of the worst days of the year for some of our furry friends. The constant loud bangs and booms can leave your dog in a state of fear and cause terrible anxiety. Here at SafetyChew, we’re focused on helping you and other dog owners keep your dog safe and happy all the time! Here are a few tips that can help relieve your dog's firework anxiety as we celebrate the Fourth of July this year:
Prep Your Dog Before the Fireworks Start
Before the fireworks display begins, it’s essential to prepare your pup for the big (and scary) night ahead. First, plan a large walk or trip to the dog park to get as much energy out of your dog as possible. After your big workout, plan to feed and take your dog out early before all the commotion begins. You can also purchase a dog anxiety vest designed to calm your dog during stressful situations. If this isn’t your first rodeo with stress from fireworks or thunderstorms, make sure to talk to your vet about other possibilities to alleviate your dog’s stress. Lastly, make sure you have your dog’s identification properly attached to their collar in case they were to escape accidentally. Prepping your dog before the show is a key step in helping to relieve your dog's firework anxiety.
During the Fireworks, Provide Enjoyable Distractions
There will be many sounds during the fireworks show, so try to drown out those sounds out with more soothing noises or other enjoyable distractions. According to PetMD, playing classical music might do the trick, but if that’s not available, try a TV, radio or fan. You should also make sure your pup is occupied and distracted from those loud sounds. The SafetyChew can also be a great distraction for your dog during the stressful situation! Finally, make sure you’re there to comfort your dog. The fireworks display might be magical, but your dog depends on you for safety and will be looking for all the cuddles during this confusing time.
We at SafetyChew hope you have a great holiday with your friends and family! Try out these tips to relieve your dog's firework anxiety, and let us know if you have other tricks that work well. Thanks for reading our blog on tips on how to calm your dog during a fireworks display. Don’t forget to use code SP10 for 10% off any SafetyChew Starter Pack!